Facelift Procedure
Posted November 19, 2015

Nothing defines you more than your face. It distinguishes you from every other person on the planet, expresses emotion and can give an indication of your age. No matter how well a person takes care of themselves, they cannot slow down the aging process.
As we age, our skin loses elasticity and the volume of the soft tissues in our face begin to thin and slide downward. This process leads to the classic signs of aging: neck laxity, jowling and deepening of the folds along the corners of the mouth.
Dermal fillers can be used early in the aging process to temporarily restore volume in the cheeks and lips and also to fill in the folds along the corners of the mouth. But as the aging process continues, dermal fillers alone will not be sufficient to overcome the effect of the tissue sliding downward. A facelift procedure not only removes the excess skin but as importantly, will restore the anatomic position of the soft tissues. It is this two-layer correction that gives longevity to the rejuvenated result that only removing the skin cannot.
A facelift procedure can be individualized to meet each person’s needs and goals. The results are a more natural, youthful appearance. Botox and injectables may still be needed in small amounts after a facelift procedure as folds and lines are softened but not completely eliminated. Also a facelift cannot restore skin elasticity and thickness.
A facelift requires incisions around the ears and possibly under the chin. The incisions generally heal well and are inconspicuous. Downtime is approximately 2 weeks and a person can begin exercising in usually 3 weeks.