Mommy Makeover
A combination of procedures used to address the changes that occur to a woman’s body after pregnancy and breastfeeding.

What is a Mommy Makeover?
A message from Dr. Antimarino
Women and their bodies go through multiple stages over the course of their lives. Pregnancy and breastfeeding can cause dramatic changes. Some women desire more fullness and shape to their breasts postpartum. Loss of breast tissue can make a breast appear to sag and women are bothered by the gap between the skin of the upper breast and the bra or bathing suit cup. Women will typically use their bras to lift and re-center their breasts which can lead to pain in the shoulders and neck, bra strap grooves on the shoulders, and even headaches. Some women may gain breast volume and now have issues with breasts that are too large and heavy. These women have constant pain in their upper back, lower neck, shoulders, and breasts. A breast reduction may be needed to reduce the size of their breasts.
The changes that pregnancy has had on a woman’s abdominal wall, such as excess skin, stretch marks, and muscle laxity, may also be addressed. An abdominoplasty will correct the excess skin and tighten the muscles of the abdominal wall. Stretch marks can be removed if they lie between the umbilicus and the pubic bone. Liposuction will help remove any increase in fatty tissue. A breast and abdominal wall procedure can be combined into a single surgery commonly called a Mommy Makeover.
Pregnancy from a Gynecological Perspective
With Dr. Francis Defabo, MD
Changes occur to a woman’s body during pregnancy that allow her body to accommodate and nurture a baby, both before and after delivery. These changes typically return to normal by 8 weeks postpartum, however, many women find it is closer to 6 months before they feel back to themselves. Regardless of the type of delivery, some women will have some alterations of their abdominal muscle tone. They may have some excess skin or retained fat to the abdomen, hips, or thighs. Women who choose to breastfeed their babies will have some obvious breast changes as well. A common concern post pregnancy is a loss of volume to the upper breast. Once women are certain that they have no plans or intention to be pregnant again, it is reasonable to engage in discussions about body image and function. Concerns about the abdomen or breasts are best addressed by a plastic surgeon. Plastic surgeons can restore the abdominal region and breast anatomy back to its pre-pregnancy shape. This may provide significant improvement in feelings of desirability that may often concern a woman after having children.
Pregnancy from a Gynecological Perspective
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Nutrition and Pregnancy
With Leslie Bonci, MPH, RDN, CSSD, LDN
Motherhood is gratifying and satisfying but also demanding and tough. As moms, we put our family first and that means less time for self-care. To be the best mother you can, you need to put yourself on your “you-do” list with regards to your moves, your chews, and your snooze. No one can exercise for you, eat for you or rest for you.
Prioritize your food choices and eating habits to optimize health and well-being. New moms expect that they will quickly bounce back from pregnancy in terms of energy, body shape, and weight. Give yourself some time to adjust. If you cut your calories too low you will not have the energy to take care of your little one, or yourself.
This is the time to strategize, to optimize, and to realize your goals. First things first, make the time to eat. Try to be consistent with your eating throughout the day, considering mini-meals every 4-5 hours with plenty of fluids in between. Be a “pro” with protein and produce on your plate as part of each eating occasion. Embrace foods that matter, gratify with food choices, and satisfy your hunger. Nourish to flourish!