Post Procedure Considerations for You, the Patient
Posted October 25, 2022
1. You will have a scar. Yes, there will be a scar after surgery, even though it is plastic surgery and an elective procedure. Scars can vary from patient to patient. Genetics, smoking, ethnicity, activity level, and the location of the scar can all affect the healing process and a patient’s final results. Plastic surgeons try to hide scars in inconspicuous areas. They will use the body’s natural curves and contours that might allow a scar to be less visible. Scars typically require a year to completely fade and soften.
2. After your surgery, your surgeon may wish to treat your scar. There are medical-grade topical scar creams that have produced positive results. These can come in a gel, cream, oil, strips, or patches. Microneedling is the use of very small needles to create tiny wounds to the skin that stimulate collagen production. This can be used to soften the scars and address texture changes. Lasers are often used to address color issues and soften the scars as well. Steroid injections can be used to address the thickness of the scar. Massage is the first place the surgeon will start to address scars, starting at 6 weeks.