Menopause Makeover
A combination of treatments or procedures used to address the changes that occur in a woman’s body as she ages.

What is a Menopause Makeover?
A message from Dr. Antimarino
It is said that “Beauty is in the eye of the beholder”. But as a woman ages, is it not through their own eyes that they begin to recognize their worth? It is no longer about the world’s definition of beauty; this stage of life is about how you choose to define yourself. Menopause comes at us from all angles, and each woman’s experience is unique. How she navigates through menopause is her decision, the control is in her hands. A woman can choose to own it and educate herself or let menopause take control. Beauty evolves, and aging is inevitable. How you choose to define your beauty is entirely up to you. If you decide this is your moment and change is part of your journey, we are here. Let us partner with you as you begin to redefine yourself.
Menopause from a Gynecological Perspective
With Dr. Francis Defabo, MD and Dr. John Bazley, MD
Mary can’t sleep through the night. Elizabeth’s hair is thinning. Rachel loves her husband but has no interest in sex. Suzette has “brain fog”. Amy has to bring several changes of clothes to work because her blouses become sweatstained from hot flashes. Rona is becoming short-tempered, and it is impacting her job and her family life. They are all gaining weight despite aggressive dieting and exercise.
Are Mary, Elizabeth, Rachel, Suzette, Amy, and Rona in menopause? Would hormone testing and treatment fix what ails them? Perhaps. But perhaps:
Mary is overburdened with worries about finances, her kids going off to college, and caring for her aging parents. Elizabeth has undiagnosed anemia. Rachel is experiencing a side effect from her antidepressant. Suzette has sleep apnea. Amy’s thyroid medication needs to be adjusted. Rona is depressed.
And they are all in menopause.
Self-help books, drug companies, and well-meaning friends will tell these women that it is all menopause and there is an herb or drug or diet that will cure it. These one-size-fits-all approaches ignore the most important thing about menopause: Every woman is unique. Menopause is not a disease. It is a time in a woman’s life that begins with the loss of ovarian function and continues for the rest of her life. Some women will experience debilitating symptoms that can only be controlled with hormones.
Some women will experience minimal symptoms but still suffer menopause-related health conditions. Some women will experience a few years of hot flashes and night sweats, and mistakenly believe that menopause has ended when the symptoms stop. All women deserve to be treated as individuals. Friends, family, and health-care providers should first listen. What is she experiencing? What bothers her the most? What are her priorities? What are her fears? Then together they must try—not to cure menopause—but to tailer unique management for each unique woman.
Menopause from a Gynecological Perspective
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Nutrition and Menopause
With Leslie Bonci, MPH, RDN, CSSD, LDN
At a time of life when you should be enjoying yourself, you may feel physically uncomfortable with your body and the new changes in your health due in part to hormonal fluctuations and aging. We can engage, not be enraged, and find a way to be proactive and preventive.
We need to control what we can with an eating plan. What, when, how much you eat, and drink can help with elevated blood pressure, cholesterol, and blood glucose. Consuming enough fiber can help to keep you regular and minimize bloating and indigestion. A sound eating plan can also fortify your support structure to optimize bone health. The foods you choose can optimize the health of your eyes and keep you moving and grooving.
Be Fit, Fed, and Fearless! Age is a privilege not a punishment! This is our time to keep “on”, we do not have to keep “up” with anyone. Make your foods count. The goal is to get the most out of what you eat in terms of the nutritional value. When it comes to meals, do not be a feudie, be a foodie, choosing the foods you like in an amount that is satisfying. Sit and savor to enjoy each and every bite.